Defending Critical Infrastructure against Cyber Attacks

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

In our increasingly connected world, networks of machines help critical infrastructure run more efficiently and prevent downtime. However, systems which were once isolated are now being exposed to digital security threats that operators never considered.

Join this live webinar, featuring guest speaker Joseph Blankenship of Forrester Research and Gabe Authier of Tripwire, as they discuss the evolving threat landscape and how we can protect these critical assets from cyber threats.

This live webcast will cover:

  • Examples of some of the most recent cyber-attacks to critical infrastructure
  • Why traditional IT security approaches won't work
  • Recommended approaches for securing critical infrastructure

Earn a CPE credit for attending!


Time [GMT] Session
9:00 am
Introduction & Tales of a Data Breach Survivor: Real World Tips, Tricks and Advice
9:30 am
Foundational Enterprise Cyber Security Assurance
9:45 am
Five Breaches in 15 Minutes
10:00 am
Batten Down the Patches: How prioritising vulnerabilities could have saved the NHS from WannaCry
10:15 am
Fifty Shades of FIM: The true intent of File Integrity Monitoring
10:30 am
Brace Yourselves, The EU GDPR Is Coming: Are You Ready?
10:45 am
How to Better Protect Your Organisation with Essential Security Controls
11:00 am
Get Ahead Of Changes In Application Security
11:30 am
Herding Pets & Cattle: Extending Foundational Controls into the Cloud
11:45 am

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