Advanced Threat Detection
In The Cloud

Tuesday, 8th January, 2019 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM GMT

Did you know that Tripwire is now in the cloud? That it can help you have great security with small teams? Or that it can share data between systems for a more holistic security picture? If not, it’s time to get in the know.

Tune in to hear how Tripwire has got you covered on-prem as well as in the cloud, helping you achieve continuous compliance, pass your audits and quickly respond to security incidents.

In this webcast, cybersecurity experts will demonstrate how Tripwire:

  • Offers a cloud deployment service that provides the expertise to quickly and properly set up asset monitoring in the cloud without requiring your own cloud experts
  • Helps you maximize the full benefits of best-in-class FIM and SCM delivered as a cloud-based service
  • Easily connects with the most popular IT and security solutions and shares data between systems for a more holistic security picture

We look forward to sharing Tripwire’s suite of security products with you.


Time [GMT] Session
9:00 am
Introduction & Tales of a Data Breach Survivor: Real World Tips, Tricks and Advice
9:30 am
Foundational Enterprise Cyber Security Assurance
9:45 am
Five Breaches in 15 Minutes
10:00 am
Batten Down the Patches: How prioritising vulnerabilities could have saved the NHS from WannaCry
10:15 am
Fifty Shades of FIM: The true intent of File Integrity Monitoring
10:30 am
Brace Yourselves, The EU GDPR Is Coming: Are You Ready?
10:45 am
How to Better Protect Your Organisation with Essential Security Controls
11:00 am
Get Ahead Of Changes In Application Security
11:30 am
Herding Pets & Cattle: Extending Foundational Controls into the Cloud
11:45 am

Nicole Forsgren

CEO and Chief Scientist - DevOps Research and Assessment

Dr. Nicole Forsgren is the co-author of the book Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps. She is best known as lead investigator on the largest DevOps studies to date. She has been a professor, performance engineer and sysadmin. Her work has been published in several peer-reviewed journals.

Jez Humble

Founder and CTO - DevOps Research and Assessment

Jez Humble is co-author of Accelerate, The DevOps Handbook, Lean Enterprise, and the Jolt Award winning Continuous Delivery. He has spent his career tinkering with code, infrastructure, and product development in companies of varying sizes across three continents, most recently working for the US Federal Government at 18F. He is currently researching how to build high performing teams at his startup, DevOps Research and Assessment LLC, and teaching at UC Berkeley.